Web Design & Computer Services

Computer Training


Technology is supposed to make our life easier, not harder.  That's why Your-Bits is proud to offer training on computers, software, phones and numerous other products.  From basic tutorials to advanced features, we have you covered.

The most important feature of our service is that it is completely customized to meet your needs.  The instruction moves at a rate of speed that you feel comfortable with and you never have to worry about feeling lost or in over your head.  Since each lesson is created with your needs in mind, you don't have to be frustrated.  Unlike the traditional classroom setting, clients never have to feel embarrassed by having the instructor repeat steps, cover a topic more indepth, or return to different topics.  

Some of our most popular programs include: Window's 7, Internet/Email, Skype/Webcams, iPhones/iPads, Microsoft Office Suite (including Word, Excel & Powerpoint), iCloud, Skydrive, and many more...